Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Esoteric teaching is imparted in the oral tradition, from master to disciple. The word esoteric means 
that it is intended for, or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Authentic Tantra teaching is not available to students in written form. Not unlike the relationship between psychoanalyst and patient, the counselor in this care must also manage a relationship between herself, the trainee and the particular aspect of training appropriate for that stage of development. The Acharya relies on feedback and his/her observations of the devotee's advances. It cannot be done by reading a book or watching a DVD. 
 Tantric master teaches devotee secret teachings
It takes a skilled teacher and a very good teacher-master relationship to get it right. Esoterics are what they are because the subject matter goes beyond what body-mind can comprehend, beyond what language can illustrate. It has to be learned in an existential experience and cannot be learned by reading about it or in a classroom setting. Most people are on a path that does not require esoteric teaching to move ahead. Some authors postulate that less than one in every ten thousand devotees will benefit from esoteric teaching.

Is the teaching secret?
Yes, all authentic tantra traditions have a a vow of secrecy. The reason for that is not by any means an elitist one, it is profoundly practical. To illustrate, I will mention one example that may or may not be something you will encounter in training...it may be fictional. Lets assume that you have reached that level of training where the Acharya must introduce you to the concept that you should, and can, take any physical experience (such as pain), or emotional experience (such as rage), or chemistry experience (such as sexual desire) and turn it into energy which you master and channel into the higher chakras to achieve levels of spiritual insight that you have not yet seen. The acharya knows the devotee well and manages technique and skill level. Acharya knows that the devotee has already mastered other techniques, without which this new phase can be dangerous. Now, lets assume that this information is written in a course and a devotee follows it. The reader, seeking that elusive quick-fix pill, or holy grail, the speedway to enlightenment is not ready for the technique and the candle actually burns a blister on her hand, she flies into a rage and kicks over the table and sets the cat alight--and the doctors in emerge go "tsk tsk, yet another tantra casualty, that stuff should be banned."
Acharya in sangha teach sacred sensuality esoteric secret teaching to initiatesOne way of describing the goal of Tantra is that one learns, the fast way (one lifetime rather than many) to master the body and body-mind and get them to work for your spiritual development rather against it.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Choose your Tantra

The purpose of this blog is to answer some frequently asked questions about Tantra.

My view and understanding of sacred sensuality is biased toward the Wayist tradition because this is where I am at, it is also the tradition into which I was initiated to the esoteric tradition, and ordained as a teacher more than a decade ago.

To study Tantra is to live it, for several years. No one can about a particular tradition except to experience it. Few people are therefore qualified to contrast and compare several traditions because few have had the misfortune to live in more than one tantra lifestyle. I have academic knowledge of other traditions and am therefore as unqualified as 99.99% of the commentators out there to compare traditions. This blog is not about to compare different traditions but to speak to the underlying ethic and foundation that true tantra traditions have in common.

My hope is that these blogs will save some well intended devotees from falling prey to false or ill-equipped teachers.

Here are a few things that true ancient traditions have in common:

1. This is an esoteric tradition. The teaching is NOT written down but is passed from acharya / lama  to devotee personally, mainly orally.
2. There are no less than three levels, that is three phases in the standard progression of a devotee's development.
3. It may take anywhere from months to several yeas to progress from one phase to another. It is a lifelong practice.
4. Tantra teachers do not advertise. It is a law of nature that, as the Upanishads say, "when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear."  Few souls are called to this holy Tradition and when they are, the forces of nature will bring into their awareness the presence of a teacher. Like a magnet or gravity, the karmic forces employed in a devotee's curriculum of life will bring him/her to a teacher whether it be a book, an animal, an incident or awareness of a person.